
To make a purchase from our store click SHOP and find the grade level (Grade K - Grade 5) you want. Click any grade to choose an activity you like. The click the ADD button next to the item to buy the activity, audio, image, book or package. If you do not have an account click HERE

Yes. When you signup for an account the things you buy are saved in the "My Account" area of your profile.

No. To use the school you will need to register for a school account. For more information about using the school platform (LMS) please click the following link. Register a School

The websitelearn.com store and school both have has several types of activitites like audio books and ebooks for students to enjoy. The store also has printed book and monthly subscription packages. The school has everything to create tests, homework and lessons for online, in-person, and hybrid learning.

School prices range from $8.99 per month for each student up to $9.29 per month. The cost is lower when you pay yearly! Click the following link to learn more about the cost for school. School Cost

No, all purchases of digital products are final. For more information on our return policy please see Returns.

Our products are copyright protected. We take copyright protection very seriously! Some products like images may be used in your projects but you are not authorized to resell them. If you have a business account or you are an enrolled teacher on the School setion of the website you may use images, audio, video to create lessons and sell them on the website.

To learn more about customized solutions and special rates please contact us by following the link Contact Us or calling us at 862 234-9339


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What People are Saying


"The children from 5 schools of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Mandeville enjoyed listening to stories from the website in the World Read Aloud Day Celebrations."

Narda Gray
Early Childhood Coordinator
Catholic College of Mandeville

"I love the colorful Illustrations! The site is easy to navigate, activities are engaging and age-appropriate. As a parent and teacher I highly recommend websitelearn.com."

Pamela Archer
Classroom Teacher

"This site takes a refreshingly new and appropriate approach to online education at the elementary school level."

Rohan Webb
Instructional Designer